Bücher und Artikel in FachjournalsBücher
Camm JA, Lüscher TF, Maurer G, Serruys PW: ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology, 2019
The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine has become the definitive print and online reference work for every cardiology trainee, general cardiologist and specialist cardiologist as they develop their core knowledge of the subject.
Maurer G: Transesophageal Echocardiography. McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York, N.Y., 1994
Maurer G, Mohl W: Echocardiography and Doppler in Cardiac Surgery. Igaku-Shoin, New York, N.Y., 1989
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Predictors of Outcome in Severe, Asymptomatic Aortic Stenosis
Whether to perform valve replacement in patients with asymptomatic but severe aortic stenosis is controversial. Therefore, we studied the natural history of this condition to identify predictors of outcome.
Myocardial Viability and Survival in Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction
The assessment of myocardial viability has been used to identify patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfunction in whom coronary-artery bypass grafting (CABG) will provide a survival benefit. However, the efficacy of this approach is uncertain.
Late prognostic value of flow-mediated dilation in the brachial artery of patients with chest pain
Outcome of Watchful Waiting in Asymptomatic Severe Mitral Regurgitation
The management of asymptomatic severe mitral regurgitation remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of a watchful waiting strategy in which patients are referred to surgery when symptoms occur or when asymptomatic patients develop left ventricular (LV) enlargement, LV dysfunction, pulmonary hypertension, or recurrent atrial fibrillation.
Natriuretic Peptides Predict Symptom-Free Survival and Postoperative Outcome in Severe Aortic Stenosis
The prognostic value of natriuretic peptides in aortic stenosis (AS) remains unknown.